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Current rates Merius Hypotheken

All mortgage interest rates of Merius Hypotheken.

Merius Hypotheken


Loan to value ratio / risk class  
1-year fixed 4.95%4.70%4.90%4.95%5.25% Request a quote
5-year fixed 4.25%4.00%4.30%4.45%4.80% Request a quote
10-year fixed 4.35%3.95%4.20%4.35%4.85% Request a quote
15-year fixed 4.50%4.10%4.40%4.45%5.00% Request a quote
20-year fixed 4.55%4.15%4.45%4.55%5.05% Request a quote
25-year fixed 4.60%4.25%4.60%4.75%5.10% Request a quote
30-year fixed 4.65%4.15%4.65%4.70%5.15% Request a quote

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